jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

K20A2 apple design

been busy working on a k20A2 head. in a previous post i told that this head breaths from the roof. i was wrong. i checked the flow velocity in differente points , and air tend to flow more from the bottom and centre of the port, arround the divider. at other points, the velocity is almost zero, very curious because i see  other works (without flowbench) on this head and in some cases are very different.

this design is common. only 3 days of work, achieved a maximun of 323CFM at .49" lift. is the first k20a head, so sure i improve this numbers in the next k20a head.
at .49" lift, this head in factory specs flows 284CFM.
I have to say that in factory specs, each port flows different and get different results. it's very difficult in this head  get the same numbers, because without a CNC, it's almost impossible to do 4 ports with the same shape.
40grit finish. other heads i've done, i finished with 80grit, but in my opinion it's too shiny. i like a rough surface, so fuel particles attach easily.

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